Saturday, January 10, 2009

One of those "humbling yet funny" moments--

So the other day, I took the boys to the mall to run around and get some energy out. It was a cold day and they were desperate (me too) to get outside of the house. So instead of putting Y in the stroller I decided, to let him walk too. It was nuts, they were all over the place. But I only had a few stores to run into, and knew exactly what I needed in each of them. One of the stores was "Things Remembered", you know the one with all the breakable stuff in it. So before going in, I gave W the lecture-- "Okay this store has a lot of glass, mommy knows exactly what I need so stay close, and please DON'T TOUCH ANYTHING!! If you disobey and something gets broken I will have take money from your allowance to pay for it." Then I told Y not to touch anything but he of course is only two. It was so tempting for both of them but W obeyed. He"helped" me keep Y in line and his hands off all the stuff. I just got done paying, and as I'm leaving the store I turn around call Y to come, and as I turn back around my purse hits something!! And as it happening I think to myself-- come on that's not really going to fall off and break. Then I heard the shatter. Broken glass everywhere. I was so embarrassed and I could just see the awe in W's eyes. I knew he was in awe because I just did the one thing that I lectured him about and he was just waiting to see what would happen. So of course I apologize and offer to pay for it. The girl didn't let me, so I insisted again thinking "just let me because I have these eyes glued on me and he will not forget this." She still didn't let me but more than being a teaching moment for W it was humbling moment for me. So next time when I'm giving the "do not touch" lecture I need to remind myself to take my own advice and be more CAREFUL.

1 comment:

Julie said...

hahahaha!! I love it! I cracked up the whole time I read your story. And you KNOW stuff like that happens to me all the time! :)